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A guiding Bio-Microbics principal in the design of wastewater disposal systems is to return the treated water onsite or close to the point of origin for aquifer recharge. A proven process and long performance history, these water, wastewater, greywater, and stormwater treatment systems are designed from a perspective of sustainable operation and maintenance to be simple, low cost, and robust. 1000’s of systems are currently installed in Florida with more than 60,000 FAST® systems installed worldwide.

At WTI, our experience in solving unique wastewater challenges for our clients includes cultivating positive relationships with regulators and a thorough understanding of each site’s natural environmental attributes. WTI has operated throughout Florida on some of the most specialized wastewater projects. You can count on us to help you design a system to meet the precise needs of your project(s).

Rainbow/Silver Springs BMAP Meeting

FLORIDA:  Rainbow/Silver Springs BMAP Meeting.  The purpose of the event is to get a “hands-on” view of OSTDS technologies available that treat nitrogen.  Provide a brief demo on how our systems work, levels of treatment, O&M, single family vs. clusters, new vs. repairs

See Our Current Ad in the FES/FICE 100th Annual Conference Guide

What is a Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP)?

It is the “blueprint” for restoring impaired waters by reducing pollutant loadings to meet the allowable loadings established in a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). It represents a comprehensive set of strategies–permit limits on wastewater facilities, urban and agricultural best management practices, conservation programs, financial assistance and revenue generating activities, etc.–designed to implement the pollutant reductions established by the TMDL. These broad-based plans are developed with local stakeholders–they rely on local input and local commitment–and they are adopted by Secretarial Order to be enforceable.

For more information, please visit: Florida Department of Environmental Protection Website

Nitrogen Source Inventory and Loading Tool (NSILT)

DEP developed this tool to identify and quantify the major contributing nitrogen sources to groundwater in areas of interest. This GIS- and spreadsheet-based tool provides spatial estimates of the relative contribution of nitrogen from various sources, and takes into consideration the transport pathways and processes affecting the various forms of nitrogen as they move from the land surface through soil and geologic strata that overlie and comprise the Upper Florida aquifer.

Implementation Guidance for the Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Loads

The document: Implementation Guidance for the Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Loads Adopted by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has been developed from the Department’s experiences in collaborating with local stakeholders during BMAP efforts around the state. This document provides local stakeholders useful information for identifying sources of fecal coliform bacteria in their watersheds and examples of management actions to address these sources. The document appendices are available in Compact Disk format, and may be requested by contacting Anita Nash.

Guidance for “Florida Friendly” Landscapes, FYN, Golf BMPs, Green Industry BMP, Design Standards, Model Ordinances, and Agricultural Pollution Prevention:

For guidance or assistance in these subject areas, please contact Michael Thomas via email ( or by phone at 850-245-7513.